Monday, September 30, 2013

Genealogy Websites

An over view of “Top 21st Century Genealogy Websites – A Baker's Dozen”
     (not in the order that he presented them, only Ancestry and Genealogy Bank are subscription)
   This is a free webinar available at in their “Archived Webinars” section
   It was presented by Thomas Jay Kemp on 24 July 2013
   He currently works for Genealogy Bank and gives presentations in many genealogy conferences
   He established Four Qualifiers: Good value, Core content, Save time, and “Permanent” site

Family Tree - this is where you can “publish” your family history in “The Book of Life”

Ancestry - Tom was quite insistent that you preserve your data to both of these first two websites

Genealogy Bank - They have digitized many newspapers, “the next big thing in genealogy” - this is the Library of Congress newspaper website, much smaller

online individual cemeteries - use Billion Graves, or FindaGrave, or

online individual states - there are >20 states available, for example

Google - dominates the internet, use - this is the 1901 and 1911 census of Ireland - you can even upload your own family history book here - this is also a good place to start publishing your own family history - this is a good place to create clusters of your own photographs - this is an effective means of making contact with living cousins - this is one that he did not mention that meets all four of his qualifying criteria

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