Friday, February 20, 2015

Stake Family History Discovery Week

The St. Paul Stake is going to host a Stake Family History Discovery Week from Monday (3/2/15) morning (11:00 am) through Saturday (3/7/15) afternoon (3:00 pm).  There will be seven family history discovery experiences and you could attend one or all of them.
This is a link to our Stake Family History Center FaceBook  page, where you can tell us which of the seven events you are planning to attend during our Stake Family History Discovery Week.

You will be able to receive help in creating a FamilySearch account, or uploading a photo, or creating a story, or finding an ancestor to add to your tree, or printing a Family Ordinance Request to take to the Temple.
The Thursday evening workshop is intended to focus on creating a FOR to take to the St. Paul Temple.
The Saturday afternoon class will be taught by Julia Mosman, wherein she will teach us how to use Evernote in doing our family history more efficiently.

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